Wow! What a year… to quote Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!”
I can’t believe we’re only two weeks out from 2020! This time last year I had such big plans for my music. I was sure I’d be dropping more tracks in 2019. In July, I planned out an EP to release at Christmas because those tracks are so close to being ready. And here we are… still no EP.
It’s okay though. Everything happens in divine time. When the EP finally comes out, it will not be a minute later than when God intended it to fill your ear holes. We can make plans all we want, but sometimes the Universe has a different idea. In the end, it’s usually a better plan than ours anyway, so I surrender to God’s plan.
So what HAVE I been up to all year, you ask?
Well, skating for one! Hitting the rink as much as I can and bike trail outside when I can’t hit the rink. For those of you who didn’t know, I am big time into roller skating. It’s my jam (pun intended)! That was a skating pun for all you NSFs (Non Skater Folk) out there.
Speaking of jam skating, I have a big announcement to make!
I am creating my live set. And I have a huge treat for you all… I’ll be roller skating for my performances! That’s right! The world’s first Roller Singer!!! My two favorite things combined: Music + Skating = Love. I’d much rather skate-dance than just regular dance any day of the week… so naturally, I’ve decided to add that to my performance.
I’m ironing out the kinks and getting the proper gear and I can’t wait for y’all to see what I’ve got planned for you.
As I get better with my video skills, I’ll be leaking footage and posting it up in all the places. Along with sound bites of the new tracks I’ve got cooking. So make sure you’re following me on Insta and FB. My YouTube channel is yet to be launched…but stay tuned for that.
Honestly, 2019 was all about building my copywriting business, so my music needed to be on pause. (I’ve still been writing new songs… just no recording/producing.) I’ve been all in on my biz since the end of January. It’s been a lot of hard work and an emotional roller coaster. But it’s finally paying off as I start 2020 fully independent. Two more days and I’m no longer in the PT job I’ve been working for 7 years! Whooo! I did it.
I am a free agent. 100% in control of my financial destiny and most importantly, my schedule—24/7! While this still means a lot of work needs doing, it also means there will be TIME FOR MY MUSIC!!!
So yeah… that EP is coming in 2020. For REAL! And I’ll be working on my skate game something fierce. Look out people, Lady E the Roller Singer is gonna blow your mind!
I can’t wait!
I love you all and wish you a Happy New Year!
Lady E